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Roti production line

Dough Mixer: The first machine of roti making Automatic Machine is mixing dough. The machine which is used to go down all the stuff required for making roti dough (eg. flour, water). It ensures that everything is mixed perfectly so the dough will be consistent. This is passed to another machine wherein it spits out this flat dough with small circles. This is important, because the shapes have to be made in a way that works well for cooking. Flat dough goes onto a conveyor line. This belt sends the roti through a tandoor oven, Juheng roti canai production line is a large hollow tube that gets very hot where the rotis are cooked.


Because the rotis pass through a very hot tandoor oven, they cook in rapid time consistently all over. In the 280 degrees C heat of the oven, it puffs up with steam and that makes for a soft cloud. And when the rotis emerge from the other end of the oven, someone is there to stuff them into plastic bags. This ensures that the rotis remain fresh until they are consumed by everyone. Here is the working line of a roti! These machines each do a specific part of the process, and working in tandem they can produce lots of rotis quickly.

A Closer Look at Roti Making

In our country, making roti is passed down from generation to another and it's not merely a job for any women. It is culture and tradition! But as rotis are being consumed by people outside their homes more due to restaurant and retail markets, the traditional way of making them consumes a considerable amount of time. Well, this is why the roti making line was designed for. Assists in serving large quantities of rotis, at the same time without compromising with that great taste you are fond off.


A major aspect of rotis is a nice smooth consequent soft dough. The dough will stick to the machines and you cannot create a circle at all if it is too sticky. This would ensure that it’s never cooked perfectly. If it is too dry, the dough will make rock hard rotis which are difficult to enjoy. Dough mixer: This is where the dough mixer will come in. Juheng roti canai equipment handles baking precision and fills it quickly to every centimeter of your head taxing. Something that would take the average person a long time to do, and it guarantees each batch of dough is perfect.

Why choose Juheng Roti production line?

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